Wednesday 4 February 2009

Why i'm not bloody getting a job in Starbucks

Reasons i hate working in retail, bar work or restuarant work or any job that involves working directly with the public and thus deleting important pieces in the jigsaw of my soul are as follows.

A) You get paid pittance for working harder than, say, some dumb broad with a rich husband and a face like a bee chewing a wasp, has worked in her whole life, and probably work harder than the plastic surgeon has worked on her whole body. And then you have to serve this very woman. She sneers, i fume.

B) the general customer often feeds their dying senses of self and lack of decorum by treating you with more disgust and contempt than they would condeming a dog who's just taken a dump on their new victorian imitation rug. And then eaten it.

C) The general customer has the tendency to ask stupid questions and make unreasonable requests, for example
1) 'Can't you make my coffee any hotter? It was luke warm yesterday' (well if you do insist on sitting outside in the middle of winter to inhale a quick succession of Benson and Hedges, then be my guest) which point i'll turn the temperature on the steamer to 'fresh from an active volcano' and watch with sick pleasure as your leathery face contorts in pain. Ah, sweet sweet vengeance.
2) *clicks fingers* 'Can i have an expresso' (You're in a pub, and it's an espresso, but fine)
I make an odd expression as though thats exactly what they've asked for, which, effectively, they have. 'An espresso?' i say. 'an EXPRESSO' they repeat. Tits.
I'm being pedantic, but its not the presence of one incorrect letter, its the gall with which they assume they're right and i'm some half witted servant girl.

Not bitter at all. Never.
So yes, my reasoning for never wanting to work in Starbucks.
Instead i'll waste my time filling a blog with mindless self importance, dillusion and drivel.

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